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高效率记单词 低成本学英语 节约学习时间 享受生命乐趣

Dazzlingly Bright

Do you have tons of splendid jewelry, or want just four words to describe what Aladdin found? Then this is the idiom you need.

Now we learn a new phrase, which word-for-word means, “light splendour grab eye”, in other words, “dazzlingly bright.” The Chinese reads: Guang Cai Duo Mu. We use it to describe beautiful, brilliant things. There is an interesting story behind the idiom.

In the Western Jin Dynasty, from the 3rd to 4th century AD, there was a very rich and powerful man called Shi Chong. When he was the prefectural governor of Jingzhou, he ordered his men to rob merchants. He collected a lot of treasure by doing so, and became extremely rich.

At that time, general Wang Kai, uncle of the emperor, was also very rich. He and Shi Chong competed to see who was the richer. To show off, they used their finest collections to decorate their vehicles and clothes.

The emperor, who knew the two were competing, wanted Wang Kai to beat Shi Chong, so he gave him some of his treasure. The emperor once gave Wang Kai a beautiful, large piece of rare coral, with lots of delicate branches. Wang Kai thought he would surely beat Shi Chong this time.

He showed the coral to Shi Chong, and bragged about it. Shi Chong took a look at the coral, and sneered. Then he picked up a heavy iron rod, and smashed the coral into smithereens.

Wang Kai shouted out, “The coral was given to me by the emperor! How are you going to pay for it?”

Shi Chong replied, “What's so special about a lump of coral like that? I'll pay for it now.”

He then told his servants to bring out the coral he had collected. They came out with a few dozen pieces of coral, some so large they came up to a man's waist. Six or seven of the pieces were amazingly bright, and many of them were at least as good as the one he had broken.

Wang Kai stared at all this fabulous coral. He was speechless!

The treasure collected by Shi Chong, one of the most famous rich men in China's history, inspired the idiom Guang Cai Duo Mu - dazzlingly bright and brilliant. It is used to describe something that looks absolutely splendid. If you see something very beautiful and eye-catching, you can use the idiom Guang Cai Duo Mu.

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You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication.
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Chinese Idioms

1.Myriads of Changes
2.Dazzling Bright
3.Gentlemen on Beam
4.Too Pleased With Oneself
5.Massed Together in a Perfect Formation
7.Carried by Carts and Measured in Dou
8.Immobilize the Army
9.Punish One to Warn Many
10.Superb Craftsmanship
11.Not Being Greedy Is a Merit
13.Guests come and they feel as if they were at home
14.Break Fresh Ground
15.Fortune of Three Lifetimes
16.Carry Firewood to Put out A Fire
17.Pursue A Better Career
18.Sing a Different Tune
19.Addicted to a Lazy Life
20.A Silly Deer
21.Make a New Start
22.The Talk of the Streets
23.A Rare Commodity Worth Hoarding
24.Defeated by A Surprise Attack
25.Win Popularity by False Pretences
26.For Big Boasters
27.A Narrow Strip of Water in Between.
28.To Act In An Expert Way
29.Convey Love Secretly
30.Driven to Join the Liangshan Mountain Rebels
31.Chop and Change
32.Just and Selfless
dazzlingly 灿烂地
splendour 光彩 光辉
grab 攫取 抓取
brilliant 色彩艳丽的
vehicle 运载工具
rare 稀有的
coral 珊瑚
delicate 娇贵的 雅致的
brag 吹牛 自夸
rod 棍棒 权杖
smash 粉碎 击毁
smithereen 把...击碎
fabulous 难以置信的
inspire 引起 产生 鼓舞
splendid 灿烂的








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