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Let's do it together

振民中学 董洁

It's a night in 3007,I,m afraid of this kind of terrible night-drown in the darkness, seeing nothing; I'm tired of this kind of terrible night-stay alone, doing nothing .What's worse, we can't do anything to solove the problem or improve the situation. We human beings have used up some natural rescources , and we have to stay in the darkness when night comes.

Woo! Thank Goodness! It's a dream! I work up with the light shining gently on my face. Thinking the scene in the dream.. I turn off the light immedicately. I will not waste electricity anymore! And I will tell my classmates about the terrifying dream and ask them to shut the lights in the bedrooms, classrooms, washrooms in time before leaving. I will tell my sister not to let so many lights on in a room, One maybe enough! I will also remind my brother to turn off the TV when there is no person in the sitting room.

Look! In our daily life, we often ignore such tiny things nowadays. We do lead a happy life, but, with the development of economy, more and more environmental problems appear. We do realize this, but, what have we done with it? Nothing! Maybe many of us are not willing to do such tiny things which may lead to a great loss. We have only one earth, we must cherish what we have got. It's time for us to protect the environment together. Let's see what we can do around us.

(show a glass of water) Have you ever see such kind of water? After washing vegetables, our mothers often pour it directly. If it flows into the river, the clean water will be dirty. If we use it to water flowers, the flowers will grow better. Maybe I should tell my mother, if the water is clean enough, reuse it, wash dirty cloths, for example. Hear, the tap is dropping. I think everyone should turn it off when seeing this and ask others not to let the water running after washing.

(show plastic bags) When the wind blow strongly, we can see them flying up above the campus. What an unharmony scene! This kind of white pollution has done great harm to our environment. They are difficult to dissolve and cause great damage to the soil. We often use them for convenience, however, we have ignored the great inconvenience they bring to us. Why not use such bags made of cloth? Which can be used again. So, let's say no to the plastic bags.

(show one –off-chopsticks) Every time, I pass by the dustbins, I often see this kind of chopsticks. Yes, classmates often use them to eat their breakfast or snacks. When from they away. They never know, how many bamboos we have wasted in this way? Surely, our hometown is rich in bamboos. However ,that doesn't mean we can waste them as we like. In my opinion, we'd better refuse to use them or after using it, we can reuse it. For example, we can collect the used ones to made into paper or to other things.

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You can memorize words in an efficient way if you pronounce them reasonably. Say words correctly, and you will learn them easily. Correct pronunciation means correct spelling of the words. English spelling is not good to guide its pronunciation. But spelling and pronunciation have closed relationship. They match each other perfectly. Sometimes we can pronounce a word according to its spelling. English pronunciation can also guide its spelling. This is a two-way communication.
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I love English 英语演讲稿
Saving the Earth
Caring for Environment
Just Do It
英语演讲稿 Be the greatest doer
Make Our World More Beautiful
Protect the Environment
Environment Protection
Let's do it together
Crying Village
My Green Dream
Make Our World More Beautiful
Caring for nature--overpopulation
Only one earth
The animals'meeting

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